LAWPOL Research Infrastructure has been created by the Faculty of Law and the Centre for Parliamentary Studies at the University of Turku, as well as the Institute for Human Rights at the Åbo Akademi University. LAWPOL has been preceded by , an open online service which highlights the documents of the law preparation, and FINPARL, a corpus containing political data. These both are being used in the new LAWPOL infrastructure, where both of their data will be combined and also enriched with data from other sources.
The result is LAWPOL – a new research infrastructure for the intersection of law and politics.
Previous infrastructures
The materials consist of documents generated during legislative processes, such as proposals, preparation materials from ministries and documents from parliamentary committees.
FINPARL text corpus
Parliamentary plenary speeches since 1907 in machine-readable format and widely enriched.
LAWPOL 1.0 - New infrastructure with more material and new features
New material
– EU regulation
– International agreements
– Government programmes
– Other political programmes
– National court rulings
– International court rulings
– Research literature
New digital tools
Methods based on computational social sciences, e.g. TNA and KWIC. TNA, KWIC
Materials in the Swedish language, translations and multilingual infrastructure.
This project has received funding from the European Union – NextGenerationEU instrument and is funded by the Academy of Finland under grant numbers 352827, 353569 and 352828.